Sunday, November 26, 2006

a new nation is born

hi all while i have surfing the net i came across this website where you create your own nation. i of course had to try this out so i have created my own nation, flag and region (better then life) in, which i live and obviously it is fluffy bunny related i put a link to my nation in the title of this blog which also has the instructions for creating your own nation. happy viewing

speak to you all soon

peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations- entangling alliances with none
(Thomas Jefferson 1801)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Watch out gremlins about

Hi all

Its been so long since my last blog well not much has happened really except for the gremlins that took over my Brain for the summer they had wild parties and made me into a random mumbling idiot. For example at work people would ask me a question and I would reply is your southern comfort with lemonade and ice and they would look at me really strangely and repeat there request in a really slow loud voice "do you know where the toilets are?" I put it entirely down to the gremlins.

So what else has happened well I'm now back at uni for my last year which is all very exciting I felt like a change in styles so I've just got back from the hairdressers I will post a picture of my new do latter. I was speaking to my sis katty last night and she reminded me that now I'm in my third year I will get totally obsessed with my dissertation, which I think has already started is it crazy to start seeing dissertation related material when I'm watching telly, eating and sleeping. I feel sorry for my housemate mandy soon I will be acting like a hermit coming out of my room to forage for food and pee passing in the hallway I will probably be muttering to myself about my precious work and guarding the house against would-be dissertation pixies that come when your asleep and steal all of your work. Hopefully I will be ok unless the gremlins come back. its uncaney they do like telling me to burn things.

anyway I thought that I would end my blogs with a quote from the sacred text of the quotation dictionary
Thomas Edison once said "genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration" so looks like I wont be a genius after all.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Do not disturb already disturbed

Welcome to one of hopefully many little insights into the mysterious enigma that is the alternative universe of Michelle. At which point I would like to remind my fellow travelers that feeding the bunnies is not permitted. This is the world that I frequently escape into when I'm frustrated with the real world for what ever reason. Many of my friends from school, collage and work will all agree that I am very crazy and random and thats good because I don't suffer from insanity I enjoy it. So with this in mind I want to let you enjoy my insanity as much as I do and to guide you around the inner most workings of my mind.